Discerning the Call
The Archdiocese of Liverpool has a long history of selfless and holy priests who responding to a call from Jesus Himself have served the Church. Their lives of service have brought the light of the Gospel and all the joy of Christ into many peoples lives, leading those men to personal fulfilment and holiness. In our time, as in every age, the Church needs generous and courageous men to offer their lives as priests in the service of His Church, preaching the Good News and celebrating the Sacraments for His people.
Could He be asking you to be His priest? Jesus calls men from many different backgrounds and experiences, with varied skills, gifts and talents. Some He invites at an early age, whilst others are older when they begin to hear His call. No matter when He calls, there are steps which may help you to discern and hear more clearly what God is calling you to. The Diocesan Vocations Director, Father Ron Johnson is available to help you to discern whether the Lord is indeed asking you to be His priest. He is available to meet with you and to assist you in this discernment. Having met with Father Ron, he will advise you of the various ‘tools of discernment;’ such as the ‘Responding to the Call’ days organised for those contemplating priesthood in the Archdiocese, individual spiritual direction to help you in your prayer life and open days at the seminary. |
Usually, this period of discernment is an opportunity to deepen your prayer and sacramental life, take up practical experiences of helping others and get to know like-minded men exploring the possibility of priesthood. This period is a time when with the help of others, in prayer and through different experiences, you can begin to understand what a call to the priesthood entails and prayerfully appreciate whether it is what you feel called to.
Contacting Father Ron does not mean that you are committed to becoming a priest; it is merely an opportunity to begin to explore what God’s plan for you may be. You can also keep abreast of vocation events and stories by following the Archdiocese vocations team on social media. Father Ron Johnson St Charles' Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road Aigburth, Liverpool. L17 9PQ 0151 727 2493 Email [email protected] Facebook /liverpoolvocations Twitter @lvocations |